This is the result of a lifetime (so far...) of experiences, critical thinking and research. However, it doesn't belong to me. It's there for all to see.
So it has come to this. Protesters, possibly agent provocateurs...possibly even a co-opted movement.
not an effective way to change. However, it seems the most logical for
many, and so it will go on. It will run its course, wherever that may
This is the solution as I see it.
Initiation of Force is morally wrong, for any reason.
Morality is fundamentally based on non-aggression principle.
Non-aggression principle is a universal, natural necessity for any social group, and hence desired for all humans coexisting.
- Proof:
Pro-aggression principle would mean everybody must destroy everybody
else immediately. For groups to form means some are not attacking.
Attacking destroys group, so the only way a group exists is through
non-aggression principle. Apply the same concept to property &
The state has legal monopoly over the Initiation of Force.
The initiation of force is against the non-aggression principle and immoral.
Hence the state is immoral.
The state can change its image, but that does not change its definition.
If one works for the state, then one is working for an immoral cause.
This is the original sin that poisons all the morally-good deeds state agencies do do.
Building freedom starts from early childhood.
Every experience, every habit, belief, attitude builds on previous memory. So one must go back chronologically to find the root cause of every behavior.
Teach children that you don't initiate force to get what you want. It is wrong.
That means parents and adults don't initiate any kind of force against kids, for any reason. It's that simple.
Teach kids HOW to think, to be confident.
need to teach WHAT to think. A rational, whole mind exposed to
irrationality will see it for what it is. The mind will come to the
logical conclusion, which has a tendency to always be constant.
When most people have minds like this, a kind of herd immunity will arise that protects the rest, but eliminates the disease. The rest can then grow.
How will we reach this new utopia naturally and WITHOUT any Initiation of Force?
Thinking rationally, rethinking, challenging, viewing concepts with new eyes!
Acting upon those rational thoughts.
Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Technology.
How will we actually reach this utopia?
Economic instability. This encourages/rewards people who taking risks in investment, spending. All good for new stuff.
Startups. Imagine multiple times the number of startups now solving all sorts of problems, with almost everybody involved.
Alternative currencies, markets, medicine, therapy, distributed communications.
Social networking. (Continuously evolving. Free from the ground up.)
"population explosion" with AIs through a series of open-source AI
breakthroughs. (Unpredictable timeframe.) Humans would face very stiff
competition from highly scalable, rapidly growing, effectively immortal
beings with mental abilities far exceeding our own.
How can we fail? Why is it Urgent?
Science, technology are double-edged swords.
All the tech created to control, destroy indiscriminately is catching up with us...Eg. AI, advanced analytics, spy tech, military, psychological techniques. Our power to initiate force vastly outmatches our power to love and think.
Something big will happen sooner or later...Eg. world war, major financial disasters, public hysteria.
If you as an individual conscious entity dies. (Humanity doesn't fail, you just don't get to see the good results :) )
Who will win?
The rational side will, eventually. The question is how quickly - in our lifetime would be AWESOME!
historically speaking has been getting more rational. For most of
history, I'm not sure humans even understood reason, evidence,
If you consider all possibilities, this is the
only fate that matters. Tyranny, dark ages...that just means we haven't
quite evolved fully yet. Nuclear extinction, asteroids...not much can be
done if it really happens. Dismissed!
How many people?
Millions at least (Libertarians, all sorts of fringe groups).
Growing exponentially (Nature of social media and a persistent, rational message).
absorbed into public consciousness, becoming public
knowledge...effectively permanent. (Who hasn't heard of "childhood
trauma"? Insecurities? PTSD? Counselling? Don't hit children?
Nobody knows. Probably more than most would think.
How soon?
Some places may reach this state faster than others.
Conservatively, give it a generation or two.
Throw in some accompanying socioeconomic changes and the changes are huge and getting bigger exponentially.
What can you do?
You know how Christians spread the Gospel?
Just spread the word any opportunity you get. Be persistent.
Christianity, Rome were not built in a day.
Can this all be wrong?
Oh, of course.
Feel free to present your arguments! :)
Could sentient alien life have reached this?
The non-aggression principle is quite universal. At some point, they
are going to have to do this, or the technology they created was going to consume them.
Is this what 2001: A Space Odyssey is about?
Possibly. Man (Dave Bowman) must use his brain, body and off-the-shelf tech to overcome tech, manipulation and untruths, or be consumed. When Man does overcome them, he attains some sort of enlightenment.
Man is in the vacuum of the airlock, without gravity. He has precious seconds to shut out the deadly void of space, turn the air on, get gravity. Once that is done, it will all work out. But this is the crucial step.
A work in progress...