Friday 29 March 2013

First post from the IPad

Waking Reality(...);

What a good Friday this is.

Today, I woke up at 6am, 2.5 hours earlier than usual, because a dream told me to. Maybe it was the combination of reading GEB and The Sword of Truth (quite a Randian fantasy novel series) that rendered this wonderful dream.
I was awoken not by any nightmare of sorts, but felt a greater sense of peace. The room was dead quiet. No morning rush to classes, no roommate, no birdsongs.
I woke up in the middle of a dream and came to life, and has been enjoying great productivity ever since - shooting down homework tasks, debugging, self-introspection... Did it all before noon.

Perhaps I have found a reason to read novels - to have beautiful dreams.

Sometimes, I wonder if it is more appropriate to think of life as waking up in dreams and returning to them at night, or coming out from our own theatre of dreams to reality. Both ways work - its recursive anyway. And so many things seem to affect what one's view is. Introvert/extrovert, culture, lifestyle, work, imagination... Personally, I like the first view. I think It is what people with high life satisfaction call "living your dreams". The latter feels like slavery.

What do you think? How does this view affect you?

Monday 18 March 2013

Group conflict

People in teams dont always cooperate with each other. When they dont, its called a disagreement. What makes some disagreements disagreemnts and others?

I believe that conflicts are necessary in any team. It may not be nice, yet the outcomes usually improve if/when the team comes to a new agreement. I believe people always have a valid reason behind their disagreements - even when they're joking around.

Most of the time, others don't know exactly where you are coming from. Let them know.

I generally find the most difficult thing in teamwork is getting people to listen. Actually listen attentively. I used to force my way in because I got so frustrated. Nowadays, I find acknowledging my understanding before shooting away a more pleasant experience.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Developers getting lots of doc from stack-overflow

So very true. How did people write code before stack overflow???

Perhaps this is an example of just how badly documented most things really are. Or if the library is well documented, it's too dry with no examples.