Saturday 30 September 2006

My computer test...

I tested mine.. what's yours?

A half-related pic I thought was meaningful. (The code, I mean.)

Does this mean trouble or good? Translate the leet code.


Do you get this joke?

Animal - Randy The Rooster

This farmer has about 200 hens, but no rooster and he wants chicks.
So, he goes down the road to the next farmer and asks if he has a

The other farmer says, "Yeah, I've got this great rooster, named Randy;
he'll service every chicken you've got. No problem."

Well, Randy the rooster is a lot of money, but the farmer decides he'd
be worth it. So, he buys Randy.

The farmer takes Randy home and sets him down in the barnyard, giving
the rooster a peptalk, "Randy, I want you to pace yourself now. You've
got a lot of chickens to service here and you cost me a lot of money
and I'll need you to do a good job. So, take your time and have some
fun," the farmer said with a chuckle.

Randy seemed to understand, so the farmer points toward the henhouse
and Randy took off like a shot. ~WHAM~ He nails every hen in there
THREE or FOUR times and the farmer is just shocked.

Randy runs out of the hen house and sees a flock of geese down by the
lake, ~WHAM~ He gets all the geese.

Randy's up in the pigpen. He's in with the cows. Randy is jumping on
every animal the farmer owns.

The farmer is distraught, worried that his expensive rooster won't even
last the day. Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and wakes up the next
day to find Randy dead as a doorknob in the middle of the yard.

Buzzards are circling overhead.

The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a colorful animal, shakes his
head and says, "Oh, Randy, I told you to pace yourself. I tried to get
you to slow down, now look what you've done to yourself."

Randy opens one eye, nods toward the sky and says, "Shhh. They're
getting closer...."

I don't quite get the last bit.

And a really cool picture

My nerd test...

Your Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:

10% scored higher (more nerdy), and
90% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!

Current IQ: 105

Wednesday 20 September 2006

Saturday 16 September 2006

The making of Eugene (III)


How have I changed physically in the past 5 years?

You might think that this is pure propaganda, but I am starting to feel more competitive physically. I didn't think I'm anywhere near the standards of any others in my classes at Primary School, but I am just starting to feel that I am actually growing a bit in terms of muscles.

However, computers are making me ever less physically worthy. Even though I do go out on hikes at least 6 km long at least 2 times every month.

To be continued...

What will our classmates begin to behave at year 11?

There are many paths...

But I believe the path to more "sex-related" activity will increase.

Hardly anyone will be a virgin in 20 years time. That is, unless you're really, really, really busy.

We may well be just as crazy as the others in 10M1 in 2 years time...