Monday 28 September 2015

Thought of the Day #19 - Interesting

Allocation of resources is the most difficult thing.
Far more difficult than actually doing something with the allocated resources.
But allocation of resources has far more profound consequences.


Remember that hike in Tai Mei Tuk? Where we went up that little hill by the reservoir and tried to find a way down, and we came across what looked like a way down, but was actually a 2 storey straight drop? We stood there wondering about it, hoping that it actually worked.

It's a good thing we hesitated and then quit.

Thought of the Day #18

I have a principle. Never give anyone shit, who isn't evil.

Sh*t rolls downhill.
So to keep your sh*t together, hire only self-motivated people and have a flat hierarchy.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Thought of the Day #17

Recently, so I found a new way to kill the appetites of my McDonalds-loving pals. Basically, this fat one was asking why I wouldn't touch the fries.

And I decided to blow off some steam.

Ever walked to the backside of any McDonald's "restaurant"? That McSmell of McRancid McOil, the occassional McCockroach you always have to be careful not to splatter, the cans of used McOil, the McExhaust McFans that always seem to be on, polluting the air with McAirPollutants and those black trashbags with the smell of every McMeals slopped together?

That's why I don't touch the sh*t.

Still lovin' it?

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Thought of the Day #16

"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality." -- Dante

Monday 21 September 2015

Thought of the Day #15

There is no such thing as a benevolent dictatorship.

Robots vs Real Men/Women

So, this woman wants to ban humanoid sex robots.

This is Futurama territory! Let's see what Futurama has to say about this.

Will robots replace humans?

Robot can definitely replace real people for sexual attraction.
- Relationships based mostly on sexual attraction are going to get screwed. (Pun intended)
- Everybody will be able to get their sexual needs met in ever greater quality.
- Relationships are going to demand true love.
- Everybody will have greater choice in relationships.
- The standard for beauty is going to go up.

But love? 

To answer that, we need to understand what love is.

And love is kind of difficult to define. Rather, all we can say about love is... that love is whatever that keeps two voluntary, free-willed, conscious, sentient adults together, for mutual benefit.

So that would require free will in robots. Once robots are conscious and have free-will, that's when robots will enter the love market.

Should sex robots be banned?

Let's get closer to life.

I think Miley Cyrus should get banned for her insanely stupid, highly-sexualized acts. I think she's corrupting her younger viewers and fans. Should I have the right to ban her shows just because I don't like them?

No. A society that freely legislates morality is not going to be a free society anymore. And that's just not worth it.

Besides, nobody's getting hurt. So while doing nothing doesn't violate the non-aggression principle, banning robosexuality would.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Thought of the Day #14: Why Turtles Make Good Pets

Turtles will always love you.

(as long as you feed them, of course.)
I mean, if you don't feed them sometimes, they will still "like" you.

This is a big one for anything that can be kept as a pet, even pet rocks.

You can learn a lot from turtles.

Turtles, like people, can grow up to become brave, or fearful, depending on how they are raised.

Turtles can be incredibly hard-headed and stubborn. They do not lose their will to live in captivity. They have the perfect mindset of a freedom-fighter.

Pet turtles are dependent, but at the same time, independent, as humans are. Dependent, because it depend on humans for food and proper care. Independent, because it too has the concept of property and self-ownership.

Turtles generally know how to relax and maintain their own body temperatures. Turtles know to scratch when there's an itch. Turtles know when to defend themselves.

Turtles can be incredibly cruel to each other. Big turtles getting annoyed by small turtles can become violent. Turtles doing their mating also have a tendency to become violent.

Turtles generally only bite back if attacked.

There's a lot more.

Turtles live long, after their initial years.

Turtles live anywhere from 20-60 years. That's long compared to dogs, hamsters, gerbils and cats. I believe they can live even longer if kept happy, fed a nutritious/balanced diet and are active.
They will test your commitment and love.

Turtles can eat most healthy, natural foods that humans consume, like fruits and vegetables.
So nothing high in fat, salt and sugar.
My turtle reminds me constantly to eat healthy.

Friday 18 September 2015

Thought of the Day #13

When a woman is evaluate a potential mate, they want to know what kind of world the man has/is creating for themselves.
What kind of world would she be sharing with this man? Does she like it? Will she fit in?

Males often wonder what females look for in mates.

It's nothing in particular.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Thought of the Day #12

You have to pretend without pretending. 
Live without feeling like you're pretending. 
That's existence.

The Path to Meaning.

The path to meaning always starts in quiet desperation.
Some people settle in it, but others keep going.
The further they go, the more focused they become.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Thought of the Day #10

True communication is when everyone tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Thought of the Day #11

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" -FDR

Great quote for a time past and around the corner.