Monday 31 March 2008

Vote on

go to and see for yourself...

Ron Paul is the winner so far, with almost three times the amount of votes than Barrack Obama.
And Ron Paul is the winner for most countries(also for Hong Kong).

And no one is making it up. You can't vote twice, and even if you do, it won't be counted in the final total.

Go vote too! (Warning: Try to avoid those non-constitutionalists. America is an important country, and its government's policies could affect you.)

Wednesday 26 March 2008

The Constitution

Just to get everything clear - 

The constitution, like any law, can be changed. 
If you don't like it, legally change it.
If you think it's unfair, change it.
But the problem is not people bending the constitution around, it's IGNORING it.

Is it Law? Yup, it is. And if you wanted to legalize murder or manslaughter, you need to 
go through the law changing process. To ignore it is cheating. In the eyes of the law, ignoring
the law and doing as you please is the same as breaking it deliberately. 

Imagine playing soccer/football. If you ignore the rules so that you could pick up the ball and 
run to the goal to win, guess what would happen? 

You would be beaten up and/or kicked out by everyone else. 

"WO WO WAIT..... slow down"- then why are they doing it now? Why doesn't someone higher
up, or the Congress start kicking them out?

That's my point: Everyone in the current US government, or at least those who have the power
and authority are doing it. And if the majority are doing it, the minority are either not going
to keep up, or will pose a threat to the people who aren't following the rules. 

Ignoring the rules requires strength in numbers, and power and authority. 
Should I say "Conspiracy"?

Wednesday 19 March 2008

What the heck...

Watch this!!!

This is bad. You could say this has nothing to do with us. But it does, because no one has ever set the rules on this thing called "net neutrality". Hence, it can happen ANYWHERE, at 
ANYTIME, unless we as internet users start setting the rules of the game. Or, if we invent 
something to get around this. 

"Let it not be said said that we did nothing" Rep. Ron Paul.
You have been warned...

And about your comment "you really do think the Constitution like a bible".
I consider that as mocking. It is not blind respect to this document.

They really do have practical reasons, behind everything they put down.
They learnt many lessons in the process of getting the British imperialists out of
their homeland. And with the war on the people of the US, limiting government power
is nothing less than imperative.

And these founders knew that everything they wanted for their newborn country had
a dependent factor, a supporting block that could not be taken away.
For democracy, they need freedom of speech
For a working capitalist economy, you need money that cannot be photocopiable.
To overthrow a dictatorship or rampant government that is abusing its people and not
protecting their rights, you need firearms.

They have their reasons, and it is unlikely any politician would have had as many 
first-hand experiences of oppression and rampant government. Therefore, many 
politicians have much to learn from it.

I always wished that the founders put a footnote on their document, stating that
"should this document be ignored and infringed without the approval of the American 
people, the people must take action - through peaceful or radical means, to restore 
this document."

I bet they thought their future generations knew that already. Sadly, not yet.

Sunday 16 March 2008

What's wrong with John McCain?

There has been a long debate on whether McLame is eligible for president.

John McCain was born August 29, 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone, to two U.S. citizens. It’s a common misunderstanding that the zone was a U.S. territory - in fact, the U.S. had lease rights, but not territorial rights.

The US Constitution states, “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.”

I suppose by now, you've got to be thinking, "Is this a bunch of nonsense Ron Paul Supporters are putting out just to get John McCain kicked out?"

Yes, that is the intention. If John McCain is out, Ron Paul will be the only standing candidate left in the Republican Party. However, it is also about the constitution. Would the US Government choose to follow the constitution, or would they just bend the rules and let him be president?

The constitution was not written in a time when the US had so many military bases and embassies in so many countries. So, you could argue that it isn't applicable here.
The status of the U. S. Navy Hospital in the Panama
Canal Zone is described by the U. S. Department of State in its Foreign Affairs Manual (7FAM1116.1-4(c)):
“Despite widespread popular belief, U. S. military installations abroad and U. S. diplomatic or consular facilities are not part of the United States within the meaning of the 14^th Amendment. A child born on the premises of such a

facility is not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and does not acquire U. S. citizenship by reason of birth.”

So, the law says that...but will the government officials, who swore to defend the constitution when they took the oath to office, do what they promised the American People?

Let's hope so.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

what's wrong with the picture?

McLame will bring no change to America!


Prakash endorses McPain? We were debating about the issues today at IC. Much better than sitting around playing games... He was on the wrong side, obviously.

He tried to convince me that McCain was the real conservative. LOL!!!

He tried to justify McCain's statement of staying in Iraq for 100 years!

(He was actually winning at this point, but then...)

He argued that McCain was the real deal, not any democrat or Ron Paul. This prompted Timothy, Brian and Martin to come crashing down on him. (They support Obama)

Now, you know why I believe there are real advantages in imposing my "Rules for a fair and productive arguement", which has a statement on that neither party should use any form of ridiculing or superior psycho-persuasion technique on the other party"

Please note that I'm not against psychology, but instead disappointed at the way such techniques are being used against people who have no knowledge that they are being persuaded sub-consciously.

And this is in no way a witch-hunt thing, because there is clear evidence and effects that are scientifically existent.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Animal Rights Groups appalled by US Marine puppy-throwing incident.

The video so far....

- watch 
(warning: may hurt you and your family's feelings)

- what are you emotions?
(At first, I was like lol, then a few minutes after this, I started feeling sorry.)

- Do you think it is REAL or HOAX? Marines can be mean but they are also highly creative.

- What do you think they should do with him?

- There have been many who have managed to track down the Marine's internet social website account, and are in the process of flaming it. Some have tracked down his family and they are being harassed. They have received death threats.

- Incidents like this happen regularly, just depends on how shocking it is. 
Past incidents...
- Recent Rape on Okinawa, Japan by Marine (February,2008)
-  Alleged Rape and Killing of female Marine at US Marine Base. (January,2008)

- But why is it always negative news that gets most coverage?
Good news HERE (Marine saves canine in Iraq)

This is quite cruel, but I mean, Iraqi civilians, personnel, Marines and soldiers are being killed every day in way more brutal ways. Why not all sent death threats to iraqi insurgents? These activists and bloggers have gone too far.

And just to say that apparantly, most people don't know the difference between a Marine and a soldier. I laugh everytime I see the mix-up!