Sunday 30 December 2007

The Eugene Plan (v. 1.0 , stable)

Or rather, a semi-prediction I came up with.

I decided to come up with a list of things I want to see in a super-power nation, to make it politically sustainable.

1. it should have a "i-can-select-where-my-taxes-should-go" scheme. The government should publish documents about its spending and budget regularly.

2. the government will control the goddamn Central Bank, and documents representing gold-deposits can be money, besides "Legal Tender".

3. it will have an independent Auditing authority like the ICAC in Hong Kong, which is responsible for stamping out corruption.

4. The structure for the government will be a federal government. Independent states will report to the main government.
- Independent states will create the laws for small things like transportation and education.
- The main government will be in charge of only a few important things, like coining the money, national armed forces, passports and itself.
- The main government is allowed to give guidelines to independant states, but not force them to do anything.

5. Social welfare is minimal and will only be offered to those who are starving and penny-less. People will be encouraged to s

6. Government does not tax its people's salaries. In other words, no direct income tax can be imposed. However, firms can be taxed directly.

7. The government will have a large congress.

8. Owning and using a firearm is a right that every person has. However, a background check and documentation of the ammunition and type of firearm owned are required.

9. The congress and the President will be decided by the citizens and approved by an independent supreme court.

10. The main and state government cannot censor anything, except for those which are explicit or are leaked military secrets, that endanger the country's safety as a whole.

11. Martial law can be imposed by means of curfew, but not by taking away people's firearms or self-defense devices.

12. Abortion, gay marriage, women's rights?

- Abortion : The government will not tell you whether abortion should be done by law. Neither will the government finance an abortion. If, however, you are unable to pay for it, but require an abortion, it can be done at a low-cost, which only includes the operating fees at a public sector hospital (which run without profit).

- gay marriage : the government will not prohibit it. However, if they affect anyone else, firms and any public sector activity, they can be fired.

- women's rights : This is out of the window. Women should not be granted extra rights, besides the rights of the individual. This will cause social inequalities.
Rape is not a unique crime. It is classified as sexual harassment and in certain cases, also assault.
And males can be raped too, if you call it that.

13. Banks and lenders are closely monitored by the government. Ideally, it should be under the public sector and subjected to scrutiny by the citizens. There is a limit on how high interest rates can go.

14. The government and the police cannot intrude any citizen's privacy without previous knowledge and agreement, or court-approved search warrants.

15. Passports and identification documents cannot contain any form of tracking device, which intrude personal privacy.

Ok, I know it sounds like the US Constitution now. But if that is right (and it sure is old too), why not keep it?

Public Service Announcement

Just a suggestion here....

Why don't we start labelling the posts? That will be it easier to find posts in the future, as this blog grows.


Monday 17 December 2007

Beijing Mandarin "immersion" trip

Ok, so the decision is "To go or Not to go"

Let's just put down all the pros and cons and thoughts around this issue. I'll get my mom to send some info over soon.

Friday 14 December 2007

A world government can never be good

Because to create a world government, a government has to completely alienate its own people to be possible.
And any democratic, non-authoritarian government takes its power from its people.

This is not possible in a world government, which must alienate to become existant.

Therefore, a world government must be authoritarian. It must also alienate its people somehow. In today's world, this could mean DNA alterations and RFID tracking chips, and intense propaganda.

"""I welcome any challenge to my proof above.

First Amendment: The difference between group of people must be identifiable, or an illusion of the difference must be implanted in the member's brain.
For example, Terrorist and non-terrorist. Both are essentially human and there are no biological or physical differences. However, the stereotype of it causes us to identify between these two groups of people.