Monday 12 June 2017

Free Publc Transport if Air Pollution gets Bad

That's a good idea!

If I were in the US, people would probably just try to sue the bus company in a class-action suit.

Saturday 10 June 2017

HK Open Source Conference 2017 In a Few Points


We don't have visibility to see what's going on in Google Home, Amazon Echo, Siri. They are all black (or white) boxes.

Once they all go INVISIBLE, we will have far fewer choices.



Works with ember.js,...
NewComers can build new.
Basic primitives, add custom menus.


IoT is hard to debug
Ambient topologies.

See: Why you should hire developers with IoT experience.


An app for each platform is an unsustainable model.
We can only use so many apps at the same time.
People use 7 apps/day on average.