Monday 26 January 2015

21K Pre- & Post- Run Experience.

I just finished my fastest ever half-marathon (2hrs exact.).

Here is a chronicle of everything I did to make my run more fun and fast, and what I will do next time.



The weeks up to the Run, I did a lot of sleeping. On average, 9 hours every night. Yes, it meant some sacrifices had to be made. Like staying up late less than usual, and telling the Manager to adjust working times. I am thankful for very understanding people.


Rest makes all activities more enjoyable. You can't have too much!

Considering my vast sleep debt, a few more hours of sleep per night is like a drop in the ocean.


Some studies seem to be indicate that sleeping more than 8 hours a night is related to a whole host of illnesses. Maybe it's not a good idea to sleep more than 8 hours every night in the long run.



I ran only the hiking routes. As a result, I had no problems running up and down all the slopes, barely feeling their impact at all.


This is where I could really improve a lot more. My normal stride is fairly short and suited for bumpy non-road surfaces. I didn't really learn to run properly on roads. More road jogging.

I heard yoga is good for runners (I think there's yoga marketed towards almost every sport). Not really interested, but might gain some flexibility.

During Run

Weather: Awesome. Couldn't be better. The sky was a nice blend of sun and cloud, with plenty of breeze to cool down the runners.

Crowds: Awesome turnouts this year. Causeway Bay and Tin Hau became incredibly crowded. Some pedestrians didn't look so happy, since the running route made them wait for crossing.

Runners: There were quite a few people trying to run with yellow umbrellas. One was surrounded by multiple taunters who apparently thought that yelling at other runners was a better use of effort than running faster. The race marshalls ran alongside and told him to shut the umbrella. I thought the whole encounter was pretty disturbing, but extremely courageous of the umbrella-man, since the easy way out would be self-censorship.

Most people in my run were slow. I must have passed people at the rate of about 3 per minute. It's not a bad feeling, but it did waste a lot of energy, slowed down my run and increased risk of collision.

My guiding principles for this run were...

"The faster I finish, the less the body damage and sooner I can start recovering!"

"Try to run past everybody, take everything offered."

"Drink only sports drink. Distilled water dilutes electrolytes."

"Walk through water stops, then get out as soon as possible."

"Uniform pace all the way, @ 10km/hr." 


After the run, I wisely chose to avoid the Causeway Bay area and went straight home to rest, as much as I wanted to celebrate.

Stomach Ache

Hours after the run, my biggest pain is not skeletal or's my stomach and intestines (diarrhea)
Running with a wet-shirt in sub-20 temperatures is a recipe for flu and digestive system issues.


Wear a windbreaker next time.

Try not to spill drinks on shirt! :)

Drink a big thermos of hot chocolate after run to warm up the tummy!


Needs no explanation, suffice to say, my muscles are feeling way better than last time. Could always feel better though!


Start training earlier. Train harder. Do more hills.

Go bananas with the bananas, chocolate and tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil is great for relaxing muscles and preventing chaffing. I consumed a good 2 bottles of that good stuff during and after the race. If I could get a bottle before the race, I would be even happier.

Go for a stretching class to learn correct stretches for every relevant muscle.


Ah, the weak link in all runners, or old people.

Ankle: A little tired.
Knee: No pain.
Hip: No pain.


Joint supplements. I wonder what's really good for runners?

Running posture is critical. I don't think I'm doing it right.  I'll go to the marathon clinic for the coming run.

Less sitting, more standing. My joints feel weaker after sitting. 

Find something else to do besides gym and running. I hear cycling is fun too.


I'd be in big trouble if something went wrong here. Thankfully, nothing of this sort has happened yet.

Still, I have a nagging feeling that I didn't do enough cardio workout.


For a full marathon, I would expect to double the workout duration to build cardio endurance.


Am I ready for a full marathon?

As happy as I am about this half-marathon, I think it would be a close call if I did the marathon next year. I also heard that inadequate training leads to permanent cardiovascular damage, adding more reasons to be cautious. I think I will do at least another half-marathon before attempting a full-marathon, to reach a higher standard for preparation, run and recovery.

Time will tell. I hold no expectations.


SCMP Infographic:

Wednesday 21 January 2015

BBC Dream Interpretation Documentary

"If you want to understand what makes us tick, you've got to look at the dreams."

Dream interpretation>

Why do we dream?

Dreams help us solve problems.
Dreams help us stay asleep.
Dreams are good for mental health.

REM sleep is associated with dreaming. Other periods of sleep now also associated with dreaming.

Some periods of sleep are associated with positive dreaming, others are negative.

3/4 of all dreams are negative. 



I am inspired to keep a dream diary!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Great Study/Work Music Post

Commendable Work/Study Music Selection.

#relaxing #nature

#OTMusic #Exciting

Feel free to add your own!

Sunday 4 January 2015

The Six Pillars of Self Esteem

If there's one thing that I wish I had developed early, it's high self-esteem.

What is self-esteem? Self-esteem is how much you think you deserve to live.

Why do you need self-esteem? The short answer is that self-esteem makes you happy.

The long answer is .....
the higher your self-esteem, 
the more you feel you deserve great things in life, 
the more drive you will have to live well, make good decisions and do well,
which means you will be happier,
and have even higher self-esteem. (Virtuous Cycle)

I wasn't on track to develop self-esteem naturally. I had to learn this stuff from first-principles, like how software can be built from source-code and dependencies.

Self-esteem can be built, and I'm grateful that someone figured it out for me.

1. Live Consciously
2. Accept all that you cannot change.
3. Be 100% Responsible for yourself. (Nothing said about other people)
4. Be assertive.
5. Live Purposefully.
6. Practice Personal integrity.

RIP Nathaniel Branden. 
The messenger often doesn't live up to the ideals, but that's the human condition.

SIS Class of 2010 Reunion - 2014

I have finally caved and decided to write this post.

Reunions are pretty daunting.

Before the Reunion, I did some "research".

I was anxious. Are people going to be better than me, in my own eyes? Then I looked back at myself and saw how I wasn't the person I said I wanted to be back when I graduated. I thought I would be a lot more.

Here's what I learnt.

People regress to the mean.

Without perfect information, we can always assume that people will lie close to the mean. And most observations confirm this.
My fears of being inferior are generally unfounded.

Some people seem to have found their thing, most haven't. Like most people in their 20s (so I've been told), we are exploring, trying stuff out and having fun.

You are mortal. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Even though I didn't personally know the classmates who have passed away, it's certainly and truly broken my sense of immortality. 

Success, failure, happiness, sadness, anger are only ever temporary states. Enjoy everything life throws at you, and do what you want to do, what only you can do.

Same goes for reunions. If I enjoy it, or I don't enjoy it, it's still going to go on. 

Being normal is a f***ing waste of time.

It's been 4.5 years since the great waste of time known as school, for which this blog is named after. I learnt a lot, experienced a lot, but it's nothing compared to the odd homeschooling folk. Why be in class when you could be fulfilling your purpose for living, experiencing life instead of reading about it in a classroom? For example, there are home-schooled kids devoting time everyday to gymnastics classes. Since it takes at least 10,000 hours to become an expert at something, and being at school take 7 hours of productive time out of every day, school kids have 7 hours less time to do what they want to do.

And that's if the school kids even know what they want to do. Having followed a routine for the past 15+ years, coming out to the real world and having to set your own path gets daunting, especially for the shy and relatively sheltered.

Being given the freedom to set one's own course from the beginning means that by the 20s, they will be competent captains and sailors on the waters of life.

Comparing oneself to others is a 100% successful way to destroy self-worth and lose yourself.

Never compare yourself to others. There will always be someone better than you. Rather, look within yourself to find out why you do this. 

Oh, and also, there's no external solutions to emotional insecurity. One can try, as I have tried, but it'll always fly back in ones face until you learn this.

The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem.

See soon-to-be linked article.


I guess this is the first of many reunions to come.

Live long and prosper!

Version 1.0 04012015

Change of Habits 2015 (Part 1: Coffee)

I have recently adopted a coffee routine.  I'd have a small cup everyday. just to see if I will get addicted. And also because it's refreshing and recharging, in a lasting sense.


Organic, Fair-Trade Coffee.
Support organic farming! Keep FairTrade alive! Screw Nestle!

Glass Cup.
No chemical leaching. Handles hot well.

Boiling Water. Ice Water

How it's made:

Add a teaspoon of pure coffee powder to cup. Add 100ml of hot water and dissolve. Smell it! Then, immediately fill the rest with as much ice-cold water as you wish.


Hot water seems to denature the flavor but release the aroma. Cold water preserves the flavor but reduces the aroma. I try to preserve both.