Sunday 30 December 2007

The Eugene Plan (v. 1.0 , stable)

Or rather, a semi-prediction I came up with.

I decided to come up with a list of things I want to see in a super-power nation, to make it politically sustainable.

1. it should have a "i-can-select-where-my-taxes-should-go" scheme. The government should publish documents about its spending and budget regularly.

2. the government will control the goddamn Central Bank, and documents representing gold-deposits can be money, besides "Legal Tender".

3. it will have an independent Auditing authority like the ICAC in Hong Kong, which is responsible for stamping out corruption.

4. The structure for the government will be a federal government. Independent states will report to the main government.
- Independent states will create the laws for small things like transportation and education.
- The main government will be in charge of only a few important things, like coining the money, national armed forces, passports and itself.
- The main government is allowed to give guidelines to independant states, but not force them to do anything.

5. Social welfare is minimal and will only be offered to those who are starving and penny-less. People will be encouraged to s

6. Government does not tax its people's salaries. In other words, no direct income tax can be imposed. However, firms can be taxed directly.

7. The government will have a large congress.

8. Owning and using a firearm is a right that every person has. However, a background check and documentation of the ammunition and type of firearm owned are required.

9. The congress and the President will be decided by the citizens and approved by an independent supreme court.

10. The main and state government cannot censor anything, except for those which are explicit or are leaked military secrets, that endanger the country's safety as a whole.

11. Martial law can be imposed by means of curfew, but not by taking away people's firearms or self-defense devices.

12. Abortion, gay marriage, women's rights?

- Abortion : The government will not tell you whether abortion should be done by law. Neither will the government finance an abortion. If, however, you are unable to pay for it, but require an abortion, it can be done at a low-cost, which only includes the operating fees at a public sector hospital (which run without profit).

- gay marriage : the government will not prohibit it. However, if they affect anyone else, firms and any public sector activity, they can be fired.

- women's rights : This is out of the window. Women should not be granted extra rights, besides the rights of the individual. This will cause social inequalities.
Rape is not a unique crime. It is classified as sexual harassment and in certain cases, also assault.
And males can be raped too, if you call it that.

13. Banks and lenders are closely monitored by the government. Ideally, it should be under the public sector and subjected to scrutiny by the citizens. There is a limit on how high interest rates can go.

14. The government and the police cannot intrude any citizen's privacy without previous knowledge and agreement, or court-approved search warrants.

15. Passports and identification documents cannot contain any form of tracking device, which intrude personal privacy.

Ok, I know it sounds like the US Constitution now. But if that is right (and it sure is old too), why not keep it?

Public Service Announcement

Just a suggestion here....

Why don't we start labelling the posts? That will be it easier to find posts in the future, as this blog grows.


Monday 17 December 2007

Beijing Mandarin "immersion" trip

Ok, so the decision is "To go or Not to go"

Let's just put down all the pros and cons and thoughts around this issue. I'll get my mom to send some info over soon.

Friday 14 December 2007

A world government can never be good

Because to create a world government, a government has to completely alienate its own people to be possible.
And any democratic, non-authoritarian government takes its power from its people.

This is not possible in a world government, which must alienate to become existant.

Therefore, a world government must be authoritarian. It must also alienate its people somehow. In today's world, this could mean DNA alterations and RFID tracking chips, and intense propaganda.

"""I welcome any challenge to my proof above.

First Amendment: The difference between group of people must be identifiable, or an illusion of the difference must be implanted in the member's brain.
For example, Terrorist and non-terrorist. Both are essentially human and there are no biological or physical differences. However, the stereotype of it causes us to identify between these two groups of people.

Saturday 3 November 2007

What can we do to improve our Year7 Camp skills?

As you know, we have found ourselves surrounded by a big bunch (18 kids) of Year 7s. These people aren't evil or anything, but to make sure they maintain some form of order, we should begin to brainstorm and evaluate some ideas on how to become better camp counsellors.

Any ideas? Please discuss in the comments area.

I think we should improve our decision-making mechanisms and organization. By that, I mean that we sort things out faster.

On my part, I suppose we also need to do things a little quicker than the rest of our Year 7 SURVIVORS.

We should also brainstorm certain things we need to talk about, at the next meeting/briefing.

Personally, I don't mind too much about people sneaking out of tents at night, so long as they don't hurt themselves so badly they have to go home. But still, we should be a little stricter to start with.
The Other Eugene will designated Eugene II (two). I suppose Gene might be the better abreviation (Sam for you, if you like...).


Off topic.... I suppose the only thing I'm worried about is gorging (I mean the rope climbing thing) and sleeping on the first night.

What concerns do you have?

Monday 22 October 2007

What's your stance on feminism?

I say feminism because I think it should be defined separately with the Woman's Rights campaign.

So, this post is simply to ask you for your stance and/or opinion. Because I'm very confused about what you think.

Also, don't tell me you got no stance, because you have to have some opinion about it.

Note: You don't need to be "politically correct", because you won't offend anyone in the least way.

Sunday 14 October 2007

Donald Tsang is a puppet controlled by the Commies in Beijing!

Like many politicians, Donald Tsang seems to think that most people will let him off the hook if he said sorry for whatever they said wrong.

But something like the cultrual revoulution is way too hard to get wrong. How can something like that slip into a structured response to a question? It's crazy.

And I expect him to stand up in front of his office, in front of all the media and such, and deliver a detailed explanation as to why he said that.

My first impression looking at him was : Is some Chinese government Propaganda official telling him what to say, or is he MAD?

I know that there's every chance that it could have just been a slip of mouth. But he really sounded like he wanted to convince me that extreme democracy would led to a disastrous consequence like the Cultural Revolution.

Or maybe that's exactly what the Communist Party thinks?

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Dude, get out of the queue!

3 things gone wrong at the Parent's Evening:

- This is madness! Why is their 5 late-comers ahead of me? These people are ruining the schedule system of the sacred Timetable. They are coming in late, yet are allowed to get in my way. This is my spot!
This is outrageous crap at the Parent's Evening 2007.

- This is blindness! Why are these idiots barging into someone else's timeslot when they aren't even supposed to be there? Why can't they just make their apppointment or tell their moms and dads to phone the teacher up?

- This is idiocracy! Why the hell are you talking into my time-slot? If you want to talk longer, talk when you know that the teacher will be vacant and no one is standing behind you, looking at a watch tuned to the second according to an atomic clock and hoping that they would finish faster and be more considerate.

These people should stop sucking away at my time and learn to be punctual!!!!!!
I've had a total of 6 people come into my way and I convinced 2 people that they were late and this was my timeslot and that they should come in the last moment when there were vacant teachers. One gal fell for my excuse that I had to go to a piano lesson after this and let me ahead of the queue. (hahahahahaha!)

The last 3 were at Ms A's desk. 2 guys and a gal were waiting, one later than the other. There was one who was supposed to come at 5:00 sharp and turned up right at my appointment at the last minute. I ended up sitting out the 20 minutes+. When I finally got my turn, Ms A said that she thought there would be a big fight for my slot.

So, I ended at 7:20, 10 minutes before everything was to shut down.

Sunday 2 September 2007

no, you shouldn't put hot water in nalgenes

Nalgenes (lexan) with hot water can leach BPA, a possible cancer causing substance.

Therefore, I will not put instant noodles in my nalgene and try and cook with it. We probably won't need to anyway, because you can get cup-noodles.

Just because the bottle doesn't break doesn't mean its not leaking chemicals.

This product is not dishwasher or microwave safe.

Wednesday 1 August 2007

in the us

part 2.... in Yosemite.

Firstly, write down your version of the pronounciation of "yosemite" and "Toulumne" WITHOUT looking it up please.

Hint: I'll tell you what it isn't... "yo-os-sim-mite-ye". That's what my uncle's GPS was saying on our drive to Yosemite National Park.

Anyway...some photos. There are a lot of granite domes in Yosemite. The most famous one is Half-dome.
We climbed 2 out of many domes (not Half-dome, it's not a last-minute thing). They aren't hard, but it is a non-stop scramble from the foot to the top. Class 3 on the Yosemite Decimal System (the one we used on the school wall - 5.9 or 5.11).
Half-dome is climbed using a cable route, where people pull themselves up the ridge between the two straight walls. From what I saw at the base of half-dome, it looks slightly more intimidating then Sharp Peak. The top of Half-dome juts out like a diving board(but BASE jumping is strictly prohibited).

Living in Yosemite Valley is another big lump of Granite - El Capitan. We did spot a few climbers on the wall, despite it being the hottest part of the day, with the temperature at 100 degrees fahrenheits. (fever temperature) I suppose the climbers would be roasted by the time they get to the top. When they get to the top, they will probably be tortured by the fact that there is a hiking route that is incredibly easy that goes up to El Capitan. So easy we saw kids up there.

We also saw these giant sequoia redwood trees in the southern part of Yosemite at Mariposa. I wasn't as interested in trees as I was to rocks, but they were really big. And big is beautiful.

We stayed in Yosemite for 3 days, 3 nights (leaving in the morning). We stayed at a Hostel near Yosemite, because all the camp sites are totally full all summer. Bookings must be done 6 months before hand!

The drive from our place in Palo Alto to Yosemite takes up to 5 hours. The funny thing that I didn't expect in Yosemite was that on Sundays, traffic jams sprout out of many parts of Yosemite, especially the Valley.

Yosemite is a really nice place. However, the place is really big and will take a long time to explore fully.

go to for my photos...

Saturday 28 July 2007

in the us...

getting through the US Immigration in SFO (the airport) is pretty annoying. The average person takes about 3 minutes to get through. The queue is so long it takes up the whole entry hall. Even with most of the counters open, it took us more than 1 and half hours to get through.

Sunday 15 July 2007

Privatisation of the Chi Fu Swimming pool

It just sucks big time!

Last summer, the swimming pool WASN't open.

This summer, the swimming pool gets privatised by this annoying "Stanford Club" company.

Either way, most of the Chi Fu and Pokfulam Gardens residents are locked out of their own swimming pool!

Which one do you think is better?

Sunday 8 July 2007

Get a mac!


Saturday 7 July 2007

Global warming is real!!

Just one and half hours ago, I had my riding lesson. We were doing the usual exercises and jumping and stuff. Half way through the lesson, one of the guys in my class (we have 5 riders, including me) said he couldn't go on and needed to rest, because he's getting a really bad headache, was dizzy (very dangerous when you're riding) and felt very thirsty.

This was obviously heat stroke or exhaustion(forgot which one.). A while later, the entire class was begging for water. Sadly, horses are messy drinkers, so they can't drink from bonaqua bottles. They'll have to wait.

In California, temperatures are going through the roof. The average day temperature in the south (lucky I'm in the North) is hitting 107 Fahrenheits (42 degrees). And the summer is only half way! I heard that 20 people have died of heat stroke in the area my camp is going to be in.

I wonder how long I'll survive on 2 hour riding lessons at summer camp in California....

So I'm going to have to do a lot of acclimatizing. There are no air conditioners (very few) around. However, the nights are quite cold, so I suppose that's the only good bit. : (

Friday 29 June 2007

haha...look at this!!

Mac vs PC

So Funny.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

Youtube terms of use violation? or Personalized comments?

Check this gal out here.

Read the comments and what she has to say about the spamming.

Then, check out

What do you think? Do you think it's some gal sitting in front of her pc typing comments like hell, or is it some spambot?

She hasn't spammed me yet (I tried to subscribe). HOWEVER, she posted some stuff on other people I also subscribed to.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

What's wrong with an Apple?

There isn't really a lot to say about the Mac school is giving us. All the requirements are pretty good and adequete, provided that you aren't playing Battlefield 2142 on it. However, what about the software?

- the ilife package looks pretty good to me. However, it does seem to be a showoff of the nice functions, which covers up the rest of the crap. I think IWork is probably not very good. If they KNOW that a student is probably going to be typing up stuff.

- where is the Microsoft Office we all use? I hope that's in the software bundle!

I don't get your idea of sensitivity. choosing a laptop supposed to be a tough decision? Or are you just going to watch what others are going to get, and then take your pick? Are you afraid of being different?

There are no options, if you don't want to be left out. Just go and get a Mac (I think everyone in Year 11 will want a Bundle B).

Sunday 10 June 2007

Some guy just posted Epsoide 99 on youtube! Boo Yah!

This is so brave, Mach0098! This guy posted a SPONSOR-only video on BEFORE the official date!!

Boo Yah!!

The ending was so unpredictable!! Nice cliffhanger "You want me O'malley? Come and Get me..."

Noooooooo, Tex!!!!!!! Noooooooo!!!!

Tuesday 5 June 2007

The experiment...DON't scroll down to Part 2

Please don't look at Part 2, because it will ruin the experiment.
Please be assured that none of this is explicit or bad.

First, listen to ALL of this...Don't be insulted by what they sing... (The stairway to Heaven)

Then this


- Don't look at the comments or other stuff.
- don't look at the title of the video.

Part 2: DON"T read until you have done above.


After you have done all the above...

Then, post the number of times you hear the word "satan". Please note anything strange.

Monday 28 May 2007

look at this...

YMCA by the Nazis!

so funny...

Sunday 27 May 2007

Canon in D

Thinking of a music that sums up this blog... I just HAD to pick Pachelbel's Canon in D. Finally, I can spell the name right : ) .

The best ever I've ever heard, after listening to almost every variation on youtube.

Many people do it in a fancy way...I loved those. But in the end, it's always better to play Canon with an orchastra, because that's what it was made for.

Enjoy! It can make you cry.....

Saturday 12 May 2007

The FAIR!!

Prefect duty...

It was nice telling cars to go away. One guy who got off a taxi that couldn't get in said,"It's not your fault, but I'm going to have a word with the hosts about kids being in charge of traffic control." Some people just can't stand a bit of slow service!

My favourite task was running down the hill and up the hill again to check if the road was clear.

Your sign and a clipboard was still there when I left at 3 o'clock. I walked past, to see a car run over it. LOL.

Laser tag...

Well, It is my second time in laser tag arena and I think I did nicely this time. My strategy is simple - to retreat while firing if enemy is met. Also, to flank people and shoot before they can.
I also had some close encounters where I lost lives (I had 4 left in the end. How much do we get?) So, what I would do was to run at them from behind and push their weapon away. Then, I shoulder-barge them into the wall(so they fall) and then, I would shoot them until other greens came around
I even tried
- to hit someone with my rifle butt, with some intension of hurting them. (they were camping!)
- grabbing someone's vest and scanning their tag with the weapon.
- holding my weapon out and shooting randomly at some greens around the corner. The problem was after a while, they realised they could just run around the other side and butcher me! (you guys just fleed!)

Also, I avoided the light source at all costs, because I hate my shadow being seen.

When you guys went away, I went for the Lasertag again, this time with some big guys, as well as some yr 10s who played CS too much (most of them on my team). This time, we used some strategy (as well as hand-to-hand fighting). After a while, getting shot was no longer a concern, and some people just started a fight in a corner. So, I kind of had a great time taking potshots at the bunch. I also tried point shooting, but without too much success. This time, I scored 12 hits.

It was all fun... and more or less harmless.

If Guan Yiu was there, we'd all get killed! And I wish I had brought my laser pointer! (keep the pointer on someone's plate and they'll die in no time!) But I think the lasers may carry a signal to register a kill.

(please add your account of the day here!)

How useful do you think it'll be to sign up for adsense ads?

We don't get much hits anyway, I think...

Mythbusters Pirates Special 13th May,2007 9:00 pm!!!

Monday 7 May 2007

Mr Lee

Believe it or not, it is the 5th time Mr Lee caught me doing something "stupid"

- the first time : saying "Craphead!" at the direction of Mr Lee in Year 8
- Pretending to shoot his head off with an imaginary rifle while he was telling us to shut up. (year 8)
- me telling Bernard (sitting next to me) something about N-game and renaming it. (I found out he realised the bug. And how dangerous I can be)

- Catching me trying to jam my 2 flashdisks into the small ports, not separated enough. I think I cracked my red-taped flashdisk at the time.

- And now, catches Eugene the "shadow prefect" competing with guan yiu trying to pull up the learning support classroom (I think...) window. I grabbed this cable tube thing, He caught me trying to do pull-ups on the cable thing.

- "Eugene, do you know what that white thing is?"
- "What...hmmm...networking cables in the tube!"
- "Right. And this entire floor will be disconnected if that breaks!"
- "ok..."
- "And who's going to pay for it?"
- "me, of course!" (trying to act confident and make him look stupid for being so serious.)
- "do you know how much this costs?"
- "I dunno, how much is the cable going to cost anyway?"
- (looks at my prefect tag.) "You're a prefect?"
- "yeah."
- "Don't do this stuff. It will get you fired."
- (GY talking to his "girlfriend")
- "hello" Mr lee and she responds. Mr Lee goes.

Tuesday 1 May 2007


"The people who chose this are bunch of retards." was the first thing I said when I saw that list, especially the marden list.

Does that mean girls can handle that better than I would? Not everyone.

I know this is my first formal complaint to any authority. But am I any different from anyone who doesn't speak up? No. I just have a reason- that I am not yet in any military service, therefore no one can court-martial me for what I say. Also, I still have my parents on my side.

my message to all? Just stand up for what you believe in.

So why do I do this?

- You might think that I'm afraid of "yellow slips". I'm not. They just teach me a good lesson to swear less. Besides, all they do is waste my time.
- It's the most meaningful thing I can do in Year 10. Make these people explain how they do this stuff.
- I don't know if this spirit will live through boot camp.

Sunday 29 April 2007

guy next door

There's this guy next door who keeps playing his recorder so nicely with the seaview outside my window, I think I'm dreaming.

Once, I started playing (my skills are very rusty, it has been 3 years since I actually played a complete song. So, I improvised the Marine's Hymn (which I heard on midi) and this guy shouted from 1 floor above my room and said "you play too?" I said,"Yeah, do you do it for school or fun?" And he (a bit younger than me, like a Year 9) answered "for school". I said "for fun, haven't touched one for ages".

I ended up not completing my maths homework as a result of this. But hey, at least socialising is much better than sitting in front of a computer killing people in some bloody arcade game...

It's good to socialise with people outside your window. Do you have similar experiences? Feel Free to comment.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Marines being bloodthirsty

A three-star Marine general gave an indication of the homicidal ethos guiding the US occupation forces in Iraq and Afghanistan when he declared during a military conference in San Diego Tuesday that “It’s fun to shoot some people.”

Responding to a question about fighting the Iraqi resistance, Lieutenant General James N. Mattis—who is in charge of developing Marine war-fighting doctrine and tactics—said, “Actually, it’s a lot of fun to fight. You know, it’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up front with you, I like brawling.”

The general, also known as “Mad Dog Mattis,” led the 1st Marine Division during the initial invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq, and returned to command marines during the occupation of Iraq, where he led the initial attack on Fallujah in April 2004.

He presented the invasion of both countries as a civilizing mission, denounced Muslim men and reveled in killing them. “You go into Afghanistan,” he told his audience, and “you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.”

This last comment drew loud laughter and enthusiastic applause from the audience attending the panel discussion hosted by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association.

Despite his yen for killing, Mattis warned that overwhelming military superiority had failed to subdue the popular resistance in Iraq. “Our very dominance of certain forms of warfare have driven the enemy into historic forms of warfare that we have not mastered,” he said. “Don’t patronize this enemy,” he said of the guerillas. “They mean business. They mean every word they say.... They’re killing us now. Their will is not broken.”

Presenting the fight as a twilight struggle between good and evil, Mattis insisted in order to defeat such an enemy the Marines had to recruit and train the “right people”—i.e., those who had no compunction about killing.

..........for full article, click link below...

extracted from

Monday 23 April 2007

Gun Control???

The thing that pisses me off ever since the Virginia Tech shootings is how much attention people put on gun control and the killer Cho guy.

I think the Cho guy was totally crazy. But who isolated him from the rest of the society? The society. No one seems to have paid him enough positive attention and to befriend him. And yes, you can say he was, according to his relatives, born that way. However, if he was born that way, he shouldn't be held completely responsible for the incident. The society had a part to play.

Next, gun control. I think the pawn shop "industry" should be government controlled from now on, and bills should be passed to force people to have licenses to keep and use guns. There should also be laws on forbidding people with mental illnesses from possessing guns.

However, I will not agree with anything about banning it all together. This is because there are a lot of people who have a fear of guns and weapons - it's just that guns can act "at a distance" which makes things much more scarier. This fear is not exactly justified, because we were never educated to like them and from the time when we were small, violence is discouraged.

Guns should not, but unfortunately is, related to crime and violence. These are the problems, not the guns. Guns are not drugs, they have a purpose other than to kill people. They can be for sport and leisure and many other things. Why do they keep relating it to guns? Won't Cho have killed plenty of people if he lodged molotov cocktails into classrooms and stabbed people with combat knives? Think about it! Guns are innocent, the people who use them for criminal purposes are the ones to blame.

I hope I haven't insulted anyone, but this is what I think should be the rational way to approach the problem of guns falling into the wrong hands.

Please Post your thoughts.

Friday 13 April 2007

mythbusters gets it wrong

Did you watch yesterday's (12 April, 2007) Thursday Mythbusters?

They got the sniper rifle scope myth wrong!

- Communist/Vietcong sniper scopes during the Vietnam war tended to look like tubes more than the modern ones, which mythbusters chose. If Grant the dummy (or the VC sniper) had the genuine scope, they might have had a better choice. A straighter scope makes it easier to shoot through. Also, VC scopes at the time, I believe, used metal for the scope tube.

- The Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock had used an older sniper rifle as his weapon in vietnam. Mythbusters could have used that.

- Use a Full metal Jacket Armor Piercing round, not those puny regular ammunition. (I don't know what they used, but civilians usually don't use a FMJ bullet.

- Go get professional military snipers to do the job, with their own rifles.

However, I did read off some forums that the Mythbusters will redo the myth.

P.S. - My new neighbour has bought this gas BB gun.

Monday 9 April 2007

New pen ideas

Ok. The sensor's dead. So what's next?

The invigilator writing tool

- A timer is installed on the writing tool, which counts down to the time limit of the exam. The pen locks itself immediately after the time.
- The pen has a display on it, which shows the time

- the pen is bugged with a listening microphone.
- All pens have a locator tool, which means the pen cannot be used to write on any surface other than the test paper.

Monday 2 April 2007

CAS Open Day!

Yesterday was CAS (Civil Aid Service) open day. There were some stuff on show at their base.

Quite cool. They have this really high outdoor climbing wall (higher than anything I've seen! 13-15 storeys high) and a nice abseiling slope for training and a training concrete building. I tried out some of those training areas, abseiling down the slope was scary at first, but I came out doing it nicely. Also, bouldering the 5.10 (rating) wall was scary because I kept having to go a bit higher for better holds.

They use top quality harnesses and helmets from petzel! The harnesses have nice pads on it, makes falls more comfortable!

There was also this nice tunnel maze thing that you can crawl through in the dark. I bumped my head really hard a few times, lucky to have a good helmet. I think the real thing would be 20 times worse - a training officer told us that it could be filled with smoke to simulate a fire rescue for the real test.

Some Pictures comming....just need to find the cable!

Tuesday 20 March 2007

******Recon mission sealed orders*******

I think the way forward is to look it up as fast as we can, either with book or the internet.

Documentation is highly useful. It should be better if we could number the questions,because we might be able to even predict the question comming next.

Should we say stuff about nobody?

I like the C+ question. It's there to kill newbies.

Our MAIN strategy is to get absolutely nothing wrong in the 8000. the second strategy is to keep documenting the hard questions. I believe there is still space in my brain for the answers, but soon there will be none(exam).

To start off quickly after the exams, we must document more.

I got some forum people to play the quiz. Look out for the unidentified people.

should we ask "nobody" what she got wrong?

Monday 19 March 2007

some highscores...

look what conor Magee says.
"loves to bum men"... very true
Also, some "reinforcement" have
arrived worldwide...

Friday 16 March 2007

watch out, nobody!

2 month plan :

Overclimb Mount Everest (8845m tall)

Beat nobody and own the game!

we are at everest base camp.

HOWEVER, the pen is still more important!

Thursday 15 March 2007

The pen

Samuel: build the sensor

I'll get the chipset as fast as I can. We also need an ink cartridge. Donate one of your pens.

The general hull for all of this will be a kitchen paper roll

Friday 2 March 2007

WHy don't we use a youth hostel?

We can go to the Ngong Ping Youth Hostel and stay there for 2 nights, walking all the other trails in Ngong Ping and the Buddha. I also want to climb it first before night hiking it.

This is the hostel...

Then, on the final night, we make our summit bid and go home and sleep.

I also think i want proper maps for this. The one on the hiking books are not detailed enough.
I'm talking about 1:20000 maps (at least one, the rest can be photocopied).


whatever, so long as it doesn't involve staying outdoors, breaking any regulations, letting my dad to go and not scouting the area (but not necessarily going up the hill, just getting used to the path) beforehand. Also, I'm not going to carry very much this time (for the hike), just anything essensial.
I understand that most expeditions will not know the area well before a venture. However, I do want to be safe and neither do I want to be leashed around not knowing anything.
I also actually want to stay on the summit for as long as possible, but not for the whole night.

Finally, lantau peak may be the highest, but not the best. I would give Tai Dong Shan a shot if it was a misty day. Or even just the peak (the real one...not the peak galleria). I've tried that.

Wednesday 28 February 2007

I've uploaded stuff onto

my images have been uploaded already. They are quite blurry and please do the sieving as well. The camera take 3 photos at one shutter.

Saturday 24 February 2007

selenium poisoning

I'm not feeling well at all. This selenium stuff is giving me diarrohea, vomitting and a high fever.

Not going to be in school on monday at least.

Friday 16 February 2007

Eastbound and down


This is the song I wanted to put in the HKAYP presentation.

Never mind the video. (Even though it is quite cool. Look at the nice turret gun. ) Just care about the song:

The lyrics are here:

"We're gonna do what they say can't be done.
We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. "


Tuesday 13 February 2007


ToDo list:

1. casing

made of acrylic, transparent, lasered with machine

2. sensor

ball bearing in cylinder.

3. timer system

555 timer

4. stimulant

vibrating thing (need to get one)

Who said male prostitution doesn't exist?

The EMPIRE strikes back...


Also, you may have been aware of the article writen by this satirist in Central Connecticut university.

"Rape only hurts if you fight it"

While I don't agree with much of the content, I would say that the title is quite true. Our society has always taught people that rape is not good to anyone. Therefore, it's quite hard to test this out. I dislike the content because it seems to justify rape as right in all cases.
I think the title can be changed to "Rape only hurts if you were educated to think this and you fight it".
In a way, it is the society as a whole that makes rape hurt so badly. Feminism appears to have backfired, which is why so many radical feminists brainwashed by feminism have complained.

However, you might argue that the consequences of rape will hurt too. Well, again this is the society's fault.

Overall, I think he made a very bold move, even though I think it as wrong. It gives feminists more ideas to reinforce their "Violence against women" front.

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Why are girls taking over the academic world?

As far as I can think back, education has become more standardized ever since the WWII.
By this, I mean the standardization of school cirriculum. Teaching of things have been very organized and modular. Females learn better as a result because they use the actual neurons (white matter) more than the connections (grey matter). This means that much less linking between subjects need to be made.

The amount of women being teachers outnumber the amount of male teachers. Girls generally need female mentors, whereas boys require male mentors. This is not because they need to pick up stereotypical gender roles, but because they need a sense of gender identity and someone to learn social skills from.

Monday 5 February 2007

The pen

The Productivity Enchancing Pen... what's up with that?
You ought to spend some time to deal with the designing. We still haven't come up with any design that is usable.
There's no time to waste. If we don't get this done, we won't have time to start the making. For something like this, it's impossible to make without first thinking it through - there's no set "design scheme" here, unlike D&T.

Besides, what's Martin doing?

Wednesday 24 January 2007

Who says penguins can't fly

Meet Windows XP... with Multiple desktops

Windows can do Virtual desktops, but not very well. For example, all windows exist on all 4 virtual desktops. It's simply that the opened ones are grouped together.

It works fairly well, but I'm trying to change the wallpaper.