Sunday 16 December 2018

Problems with Serverless computing

Weekend Reading - How to Grow Old, by Betrand Russell

Thursday 22 November 2018

Advice to people leaving school

Advice to people leaving school

by Mr P. Shaw 

1. If possible, travel. Nothing opens the mind quite as much as travel. Go to unfamiliar countries, do a home stay, learn their culture and language. Engage with the people, find out about them and their families and hopes and dreams.
If you just go to different countries, did some sight seeing, a tour, and got drunk, you're a tourist and you only got 5% of the benefit.

2. Now that your exams are over I can tell you - nothing matters less than the mark you get. Your future is determined by your attitude, effort and turning up. There's no one thing you can do that will set you up forever. You need to put the effort in from here on out. Every day.
If you didn't get the mark you wanted - there is always another way. Indeed, sometimes the long road works out better.

3. When you get a shitty job, as often happens for school leavers, outwork everyone else. I don't care if you're only getting paid a pittance.. outwork everyone and keep your eyes open for your next opportunity.

4. Your parents have protected, provided, sheltered, loved, disciplined, helped and cared for you for pretty close to two decades now - annnnnnnd, you're probably going to lean on them some more in the coming years. For advice, financial help, a place to stay, a place to stay between places to stay, for storage and free dinners. 

Just try to be a little bit grateful.
Don't wait until your thirties, like I did, to realise just how lucky you are. You've got it, good kid, even if you don't see it yet.

So just as you think you've finished a marathon, you're actually only at the starting line (this will be a life long theme btw).. attitude, guts and enthusiasm will get you where you need to go. 

The world is waiting for you, go gettem.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Quote of the Day - "Civilisation is built upon the deferral of gratification."

"Civilisation is built upon the deferral of gratification."

Classical example - 
Traditional Christian thinking. 
Freedom of speech. 
Not using the state to gain a benefit, because you know you will eventually suffer from the side effects. 
The Free market.


Quote of the Day - Civil Engineering and Agile development methodology

Quote of the Day - Central Planning and Free association

Structured top-down command and control management is always at least 1 level of abstraction lower than free association and organisation, given that both systems exist in the same space with the same possible knowledge.

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Affordance-free room

The best place to concentrate is a place without any affordances! That is to say, a room where nothing is of any possible use to you. Just 4 grey walls, not even any visible lighting.

This is also why the Macbooks are a popular design, a symbol of productivity - the only thing you should be able to actually physically use about is the keyboard and some uniform looking ports, nothing else.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Politics and HK

Recently, I received one of the best passages regarding politics, that's written by a Hong Kong person.

甚麼是「政治」?有人認為,政治是政府的事。這是狹隘的觀點。社會,其實由個人組成, 社會的主角,就是我們每一個人。在健康的社會,人民一起決定社會的方向、政策、落實及 監察。基於我們都忙碌的生活,於是選出代言人,在政府架構中代為處理房屋、醫療、教育、 交通等事務。人民以交稅的形式,聘請政府官員工作,做人民的公僕,服務大家。每四年一 次的選舉,讓我們嘉許稱職的官員;失職者需要問責,由人民選擇更合適的人替代。可是, 傳統中國社會,皇朝統治幾千年,龐大的集體潛意識,製造了逆來順受的蟻民,視政府為皇 帝,對政治漠不關心,政府便按自身的意願和政治任務辦事。

I totally agree with the above. China has historically been, and relatively still divided into a highly passive, pacified population that worships power, does not speak truth to power, and the wise that are smart enough, daring enough to protect their own interests from the government.

Having said that, much of the world remains so too.

孫中山先生說過:「政治是眾人之事」。公眾領域的事務,都是政治問題。菠蘿包賣五 元一個、紅磡海底隧道長期塞車,都是政治問題。香港地價處於世界最高水平,賣菠蘿包的 小店,如果一個包賣五元,一天賣一千個,都未必足夠交租。紅隧長期塞車,因為東、西隧 都是私營,收費高昂。如果將隧道收回公營,統一收費,塞車問題可能即時紓緩。

Oh, you know what Mao said? "槍桿子裡面出政權." This is just as true.

政治就是生活。即使我不搞政治,政治都會來搞我。每個人都有自己的角色,我們未必 需要站在最前線抗議,卻可以做好自己、拒絕同流合污。譬如,我們可以選擇捐款、投票、 分享文章、關心社區、每天祝福身邊的人。不要輕視自己持續的小小行動,我們每個人,都 可以是逆轉整部大機器的小螺絲。

獨裁暴政之所以得逞,關鍵不是壞人當道,而是絕大部份善良的人都自我滅聲。加上強 勢政府的寒蟬效應,不合理的社會體制得以延續。政治修行,就是帶著初心,謙卑地關顧身 邊世界,在日常生活中,實踐平等和公義。

Beautifully written. 

True, except this view of government is too benevolent.

Government is based on coercion - this is a fact. If you don't think so, I suggest you try not paying the taxes and see how far you get.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Eugene's Keyboard Ranking 2018

AS a user of keyboards at least 10 hours a day, I just realized that these keyboards actually have a name!

The latest 2018 Macbook Pro Keyboard (Shallow)

Lenovo Prefered Pro 2

The previous Macbook Pro Keyboard. (Deep, AKA Magic Keyboard 2)

Lenovo Prefered Pro

Cherry-Black mechanical keyboard

The latest Dell stock keyboard.

Previous Dell keyboards.

Magic Keyboard 1.

Worst keyboard ever: Brandless imitation of the Magic Keyboard.

The Prefered Pro 2 feels even better than the 1, but are nowhere as noisy as those mechanical keyboards. These are as good as rubber dome keyboards get.

However, they also give the fingers quite a bit of exercise, because they go in pretty deep.

Also, mechanical keyboards rank a little low for something that costs 600HKD or more.

Saturday 13 October 2018

Day 1: Job Exchanges

Here's an idea:

What if your employer let you take up another job, because they know there is something you got to learn, and you cannot learn it here?

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Job Ad: Muse

I need a muse.

Friday 4 May 2018

Eugene's Stock Pick


Costco is standing up to Amazon in the retail space successfully, with tried and true methods.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

The deathbed fallacy

People like to say that if they don't do this or this or this, they will regret something when they die.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Reason 1: It is not a representative state

Reason 2: You don’t know your past selves, but you think you do.

Reason 3: Most people that die today lived in a world very different to yours.

Reason 4: Regrets do not matter for people with no future, and who know that they have no future. With only past and present, there is no regret, only reflection. 

I like people who tell it like it is.


All personal decisions related to values, beliefs, habits, behaviours are fundamentally driven by emotions and there is always a tipping point at which emotions lead to a change in oneself.

Monday 30 April 2018

On the 宅男宅女

Recently, I watched a show about people who stay at home and do their own thing, playing games and whatever. They are usually men.

It is always considered a kind of social work issue, and the tone is usually grim. It is usually phrased as a social problem that must be solved.

And a social worker is usually on the case.

Both sides have their judgements about the other.

My question is, who are we to judge one another?

Social utility is not the only game.

Who are we to put each other on a dominance hierarchy?

We need to transcend this.

Friday 2 March 2018

Who Would You Be If The World Never Gave You an Identity?

I would be on perpetual road trip, going from place to place, appreciating the world.

I would generate new ideas, filter them and make new ones.

I'd probably be desperately poor because I am not sure I'd be solving any problems for the world?


“Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you would not be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.” ~ Buckminster Fuller

I'd ask this on my next interview.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Words of Wisdom..,,

If I compete with him for the next month, I have no chance.
If I compete with him for in 10 years time, I might have a chance.