Wednesday 13 July 2005

between lawsuits and lawsuits

I have recently found out about a program that uses the system of "peer to peer" to share files and photos, etc. It is called DC++, very convenient, and now Hong Kong is fighting these peer to peer programs, and because the law didn't cover this area, about sharing stuff but not breaking the copyright, it is still considered legal. I think that wikipedia has an excellent article on DC++.

Saturday 18 June 2005


Here's a science Blog by Timothy, one of our contrubutors. General Science: Welcome to the Universe! Quantum theory: Old: Includes Copenhagen Interpretation, wave/particle duality Copenhagen Interpretation: Divised by Niels Bohr, Max Born, Pauli, and Fermi Dirac. Many-worlds interpretation: The Wave Function: Schrodinger's Wave Equation: EPR Paradox: devised by Einstein and his team to counter the CHI Note: To be finished

Friday 17 June 2005

IT news issues-Linux and Microsoft

LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python HTML FIX IT.COM: LAMP lights the way to enterprise. Too lazy!!

Just say "No" to Microsoft - Samuel
This blog is full of people unhappy about Microsoft. Well, there's quite a lot to alturnatives out in the field. One example is the GNU/Linux operating system. You can check it here [1]. Sorry if it upsets you. I really can't bother if it does 3 essential

'NO' to Microsoft
-No Upgrading/getting
-No Usage
-Get something else

I know the 3rd one isn't a 'no', but that's alright. Yeah. I starting to get used to it.

IE 6 with Tabs

Well, I downloaded the MSN toolbar with tabs. It's really horrible. It functions just the same way as K-meleon does the same function. At least K-meleon doesn't go HANG in the middle at swapping tabs. When you switch tabs, the web page just gets re-renders. Try it with the SIS website. Horribly slow. It's not the one on IE 7, but I suspect it wouldn't be much better. Don't get it. It'll give you this desktop search thing. You'll have to go through all the options to disable them all. What I had joy looking at was the License. It always says "... you may not", and in GNU GPL, you get "... you may..." except the bit about changing the license. While the M$ License made sure that you are only licensed to use the software (which means that it is always theirs and they are kind to let you use it), and that they can change the license at wish. In contrast, GPL made sure it was everybody's and that you can choose which version of the license "... version 2 or later at your own choice..." Ha Ha.

That's all the long article's about.

(Pirated) Windows Rules SE Asia

MS Windows, the most popular (and crippled) Operating System on Earth, rules SE Asia. Well, it's pirated form. Even pirated Windows is used in the Indonesian government departments. It's just because it's free (or much cheaper). Just think if GNU/Linux took over.

I.E. 6 MSN toolbar with tabs

MSN now has releases a toolbar with tabs. Very very buggy, according to user. My advice: Don't get it. Go get Firefox. You'll love it. The tabs are lot inferior to my heavily customised Abstract PC theme under Firefox. You don't get extensions like Adblock on I.E. :) Nor Super DragAndGo, SmoothWheel, Wikipedia, Flashblock, ForecastFox, TickerFox...

Microsoft strikes back

Recently, the development of Gmail is fast. With over 2GB of storage, it shadows other free email providers. By bringing up competition, Hotmail has now offered my hotmail account 250 MB of storage (for being a "valued Hotmail customer"). It has been about a week since I switched over to Gmail, and I keep hotmail for historical purposes (I used it for several years already). Gmail is still 8 times bigger than hotmail, but you need to get invitations to have an account. Okay, if you want an Gmail, you can ask me to send you one. I got it from somebody anyway.

MS tactics

Although having researched on the tactics of Microsoft, there is a better one by BBC anyway. It tells it very nicely, showing how MS would conquer the world commercially.
A great book of Bill Gates stuff is "The Way ahead"

Thursday 16 June 2005

The SEAT clubhouse and homework help

GAMES: 2flashgames-collection of games happy tree friends - movies free online neopets games at yahoo addecting
Wesnoth Samuel's Wesnoth begginer's note

If you don't want your game site to be on this, send an e-mail to the Samuel the admin.

Game Cheats and trivia:

Comments bombing on other blogs: -Helen's blog

Linux stuff: - the DSL distrobution is possible the only that runs on Windows - all the info you need to change your OS

Homework help: -not often updated - for google fans - bazaar style of information website - the free Encyclopedia that anyone can edit (bazaar style) - the smaller cathedral version of an online encyclopedia

to be finished...

Blog issues

Intruders: Jessica Szeto (and anoyminous), Helen Duzhou (Alani)

Helen's horrible blog:

Her blog encourages superstition and the demons.
Our rebucking is not strong enough, causing a defeat in the comments wars.

If Helen comes back, we shall attack her comments fiercly with counter-attacks.

Helen, we hereby declare war on you for your hideous blog, using the best and most effiecient ways possible.
"See who is worse!!!" SEAT.



The vandal who knows who he/SHE is - we'll "google bomb" you till the internet knows that YOU ARE A VANDALISER. THERE"S no such thing as righteous or wrong. Understand. Vandalism level on this: DEEP PURPLE

Thank You to the Physics guy:

Yeah!!! I'm an administrator!!!!!!

Wednesday 15 June 2005

Leadership skills (real)

These are some really bad points made by our classmates, which makes people look like followers:

- "kind" (but never to Microsoft and patents!!), by Samuel Poon and Helen (An admin.)
Why bad?? A: Because if you're too kind to people, they make use of it. However, people like Queen Elizabeth had made up a great recipe on how to get your noble followers to agree with you- give them some oppression, and when you've added too much to them, use inspiring speeches to calm them down.

- "mean"(to everyone), by Alasdair (not to insult you!)
Why bad?? A: Because over-meaness would stir up anger. In the case of Qin Shi Huandi, his son was rather useless. Forged his dad's will!! And within 3 years, China collasped.

the three Rules:

- "People do not resist change itself, but they resist BEING changed"
- "If you can't change the people, change the neutral people to get to your side."
- to be finished (I can't remember the rest!!!)

General Meeting Place


- No Samuels to ruin the Fun!
- If you're about to leave, please give us a notice
- Anomynous comments: If you feel you don't want to be known, you're allowed. But please leave your blogs if you're a blogger.

Tuesday 14 June 2005

Summer Plans

Samuel, remember our Summer server plan? Well, here might be a good scheme-

  1. we take a course on Linux programming and controls and how to put together computer hardware
  2. then, we take yet another course on networks and servers
  3. As we're doing so, also try and practice what we've learnt at home-breaking up the computer and build it again.
  4. Get a good modem and internet service going. (As fast as possible)
  5. Then, we will get a good second hand Intel Pentium 4 / M / Xeon 2 / Italium processor and install Fredora Core / Debian / Red Hat Enterprise 3.0 / Windows Server 2003.
  6. Also, update the USB drive into USB 2.0.
  7. Get a good hand on it, add an extra fan for extra cooling to prevent excess heat from overheating things. Can also get some good hardware kits (heat sinks...) and extra memory devices.
  8. Start building site and uploading onto the server.


Where does the money / founding come from???

Where do we get assistance from?

How do we convince our parents that this will work and not ruin computers?

How do we earn the trust from our parents to let us get a good budget. We'll need to do the research and be good kids right now!!!

Also, if we want to get Fedora Core or any other kind of distro (e.g. Debian), we would need to burn the disks. Samuel's CD burner is currently down. Plus, Fedora Core 4 (stable) is now released with a better anaconda installer.

How long does this project last? about 1 week, or 2 weeks

Remember we wanted to upgrade the Window 95 computer? Here are some stuff we can buy (if we get the money.

Updates, 26-6-2005:

Link for course:

Friday 10 June 2005

School Issues-ICT, Website and school/class Affairs

Blog Blocked By Firewall!! - 14-6-2005

I can confirm that the firewall at South Island School is blocking blogger. This kind of suppressment is only rivaled in China (in China, foreign/local blogs and google are restriced; same in SIS). More recently, we discovered that the SINA, myinternet filtering system is doing the filtering for all ESF schools. DSL is the answer. Here's the EVIL document that makes us bow down to our Head of ICT, "King" VP. The suppressed students like us, holding restricted accounts, have little freedom. Without the particular freedom of exploration, the freedom of knowledge, it will restrict the freedom of creativity, the freedom of understanding ... ... On the long term, it will severely handicap us from using certain fields which require freedom.

My Firefox Banner

I made a Firefox banner and pasted it in C56, an now its gone. Someone who doesn't know about firefox or an IE fan tore it down.

This is such a destructive place!!

School Website

The school website for finding the links to Focus Week activities for Middle section does **not** work with Firefox (and K-meleon, or Gecko based browsers). The school website already isn't W3C compatitable (tested with Amaya browser by W3C, poor results). Does not even support W3C? Useless and Outdated!

Its' the leading/only website standard in the Universe!

13/6/2005- Debate

By Eugenewong

Helen and Martin are going to be used for courtesy target practice tommorrow. Yes, our questions and counters are pretty/ far too straight-forward. Also, we don't know which side we're doing the supporting saying that space is a waste of money, or the counter.

Should we go and kill our own cowards, Helen and Martin, or should we help them do fire-support (shoot at opposition)?????

Well, they won (with my support). No use grumbling now.

To be finished...

Tuesday 7 June 2005

Psychology, Biology and relationships of people

Studies have shown that people can be influenced by the peers. In a study concerning about closing a door, people generally wouldn't close the door, but hardly anyone closes the door if more than two people goes through at the same time.

Identity is very important as well. In a social group, a personal image for others is especially important, as it is a prevention of social disgrace. The defense of the personal image can be quite vicious.

Cryonics is also a good example of Psychology. When a human brain is restored to its normal state after being frozened, will all the memory be gone. Will the person know itself? Or if it was Einstein, will he know how to continue his great works of physics? Or will he be a lamb-brained person? ( LINK HERE, If interested in getting frozened - )

After a whole lunch-time researching on social psychology, we (Samuel + Eugene) managed to figure out that aggression is based on two main factors: 1) whether the person is sadistic or not, 2) whether the person has suffered any emotional unhappiness (i.e. grief). Aggression is one of the defense mechanisms, and closely linked with denial, which is the refusal of believing something has happened.

Denial could be catergrised into interpersonal and intrapersonal. Interpersonal denial would be deny to other people that it something didn't happen; something that the individual feels too stressed to believe in. Intrapersonal denial is within the own self; the struggle between thought and reality, what happened and what didn't ... a bit like PTSD. A person denying would find it more logical, but needs treatment of somekind (either by someone else or by conquering it themself).

Our further plans of investigation would be to

  • Interview victim
  • Ask witnesses
  • Further observations
  • More creativity needed to design fair psychological experiments.
  • read more (think more)
  • link it with bussiness studies and robotics

    To be finished


Tuesday 31 May 2005

NetSupportSchool Pro (School edition)- Fears aroused

Just last Thursday, Mr Lee was very happy to see his student moniitoring system working. THis means that no games or anything in the ICT room. This also means that the very adminstrators of this site are forced to watch the boring teacher give dumb lectures for the whole lesson, simply waiting for him to finish off.

Worse still, he can throw any comments and do whatever he wants with our computers. This is also very uncivilised behavior. He would soon abuse this software and play more tricks on students. Most importantly, it is ruining our privacy and basic rights of freedom of speech and action, so long as it is not illegal, as mentioned in Hong Kong Basic Law.

I really hate that screen he plants in the screens.

Any solutions, please put your comments below.

Here's a link:

Monday 30 May 2005


Softwares are just like mathematical formulas and musical scores. Imagine if Issac Newton patented the calculus or Mozart patenting musical scores.

Such a catastrophy if it happened. If you want to develop your own operating system, you will need to check do you violate any of these.

A Patent is different from a copyright. A copyright protects its owner for the copy for its stuff, but a patent is for owning the right for creating the different stuff but with the same idea. This severely disables the ability to create new software. This suppress new inovative ideas.

You webshop is patented.

To be finished

Sunday 29 May 2005

Moebius Stripe

Post your comments here please!

There's a question about three letters written a twisted piece of paper. It happens to be the UKMT logo

Here's a link for more info!!