Saturday 7 July 2007

Global warming is real!!

Just one and half hours ago, I had my riding lesson. We were doing the usual exercises and jumping and stuff. Half way through the lesson, one of the guys in my class (we have 5 riders, including me) said he couldn't go on and needed to rest, because he's getting a really bad headache, was dizzy (very dangerous when you're riding) and felt very thirsty.

This was obviously heat stroke or exhaustion(forgot which one.). A while later, the entire class was begging for water. Sadly, horses are messy drinkers, so they can't drink from bonaqua bottles. They'll have to wait.

In California, temperatures are going through the roof. The average day temperature in the south (lucky I'm in the North) is hitting 107 Fahrenheits (42 degrees). And the summer is only half way! I heard that 20 people have died of heat stroke in the area my camp is going to be in.

I wonder how long I'll survive on 2 hour riding lessons at summer camp in California....

So I'm going to have to do a lot of acclimatizing. There are no air conditioners (very few) around. However, the nights are quite cold, so I suppose that's the only good bit. : (

1 comment:

Eugene said...

Just one proof of why Halo is better than any activities outdoors!! : )

Almost beat the game. Next step will be to beat the entire thing on legendary difficulty (highest).