Sunday, 20 September 2015

Thought of the Day #14: Why Turtles Make Good Pets

Turtles will always love you.

(as long as you feed them, of course.)
I mean, if you don't feed them sometimes, they will still "like" you.

This is a big one for anything that can be kept as a pet, even pet rocks.

You can learn a lot from turtles.

Turtles, like people, can grow up to become brave, or fearful, depending on how they are raised.

Turtles can be incredibly hard-headed and stubborn. They do not lose their will to live in captivity. They have the perfect mindset of a freedom-fighter.

Pet turtles are dependent, but at the same time, independent, as humans are. Dependent, because it depend on humans for food and proper care. Independent, because it too has the concept of property and self-ownership.

Turtles generally know how to relax and maintain their own body temperatures. Turtles know to scratch when there's an itch. Turtles know when to defend themselves.

Turtles can be incredibly cruel to each other. Big turtles getting annoyed by small turtles can become violent. Turtles doing their mating also have a tendency to become violent.

Turtles generally only bite back if attacked.

There's a lot more.

Turtles live long, after their initial years.

Turtles live anywhere from 20-60 years. That's long compared to dogs, hamsters, gerbils and cats. I believe they can live even longer if kept happy, fed a nutritious/balanced diet and are active.
They will test your commitment and love.

Turtles can eat most healthy, natural foods that humans consume, like fruits and vegetables.
So nothing high in fat, salt and sugar.
My turtle reminds me constantly to eat healthy.

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