There are many paths...
But I believe the path to more "sex-related" activity will increase.
Hardly anyone will be a virgin in 20 years time. That is, unless you're really, really, really busy.
We may well be just as crazy as the others in 10M1 in 2 years time...
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4 years ago
I feel a bit of an isolationist, unwilling (not unable) to join the broader society.
I don't know how to face this wave of change. I have regulations made by myself to maintain my internal structure and external policies as closely to pre-secondary standards, and I don't want to change that. I am wary of the new situation here and is enthusiastic in avioding it, except that this might just be unavoidable and may cause more trouble if I didn't.
It's really interesting here. By chance or design, 10M has seperated into two distic groups.
Anyone would have been extremely grateful about having the class divided. It shows that some people may go down one path, while others will go somewhere else.
It's better not to get involved so early. It's dangerous, it's "unsafe" and it'll lead to more trouble.
However, you will have to let it out sometime. No one can hold out a lifetime. That's the reality.
And honestly, I think you do have someone that you pay attention to. (other than Time or me or any other boy) If you don't, then you probably will by the time you go to college.
I recon the relationship maps do have a general trend. Please bring all of them in, and we'll try and study them.
One trend:
10M1 and 10M2 will begin to split even further.
On the other hand, Paul, Vincent and others may drift towards the girls of 10M1 much more.
Just look at them demonstrating their juggling skills.
But was the "divide" apparent before the split? Not so clearly. Whether this will end up good or bad only time will tell.
What about Timothy? He's much of a borderline case, and we have no idea how much communication he has with girls of 10M2. All we can get are hints and shadows of his undefined activity.
Timothy wants to keep as low a profile as possible about this stuff.
As far as I know, he has a lot of communication with the girls. That's why he's mostly online.
So I think...
It'll probably be good. As far as I'm concerned,10M1 is not very united. It's drawn out by people from other classes.
I agree with you on 10M1 not being very united. They arn't democratic, nor are they capable of producing any suitable leaders among themselves.
I would really like to have our tutor group meet much more often, as this would help to speed up the discussion needed. The forum is handy in this aspect as we have pretty much concluded what to present to Ms. A, so the mindless debating can happen before tutor period.
The current problem with the forum is that it needs to reach out to all of the form. Currently, 8 out of the 13 are registered (plus alison who isn't registered). That gives 9 out of 13, which is ... 69%. That's not a lot. We need to get the new girls to come here. This is a community. Ms A as well. Adrian and Nicky if they can (they don't seem interested).
This isn't because I want my "creation" to survive, but that it be a tool to speed up the consultation of policies and a centerpoint for discussion. I will be much easier to get people on sporting events to know what needs to be participated much earlier, than to be noticed on the tutor period right before the event.
With less time being in a community (officially), technology will have to be used as a substitude. This bullitin board will do what much better than the ad-hoc system of messenging.
To summarise it up, we need more usage by more 10M2 Mardeners.
No one wants to change. That's the problem. They have msn popping out as soon as they switch on their computer. Who would even bother about the forum?
The golden rule is :
"People ARE NOT resistant to change, but resistant to being changed"
It takes time. Besides, with everyone being fairly busy, who cares about a forum?
Netherless, the forums works, as it has been shown, as will continue to serve its perpose if things kept the same. As we have seen from the previous tutor period, we have collected all the ideas (pretty much), and we are just merely presenting it to Ms. A.
The greatest benefit of a forum, I think, is transparency.
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