Saturday, 15 November 2014

What does it take to be a good developer? (Empathy)


Why? To develop good code, one must understand what code is already there and what the requirements are. The emotional motivation must be consistently present - it cannot merely be "the rush of excitement" at finishing a task or project, or enjoying working in a team (because what happens if you have lots of independent work to do?).

Why am I writing this? Because I'm not driven by logic or reasoning. In fact, I am emotionally sensitive. And so, where I lack interest in logical analysis, empathy motivates me.

I have been both motivated and demotivated by adrenal drives and team drives. Therefore, I have learnt to take that as the icing on the cake and nothing more.

The empathy I am describing is incredibly beautiful. At its core, empathy with a creation made of your own brainwork is perhaps the highest expression of self-love and mental integration. It's where logic and reasoning and love intertwine.

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