Saturday, 30 August 2014

How does viewing Facebook feeds make you feel?

To me, Facebook is a happy, inspiring place. Yes, I would still rather they don't mine the data, analyze my posts/behavior, but most Facebook posts are fairly inspiring in some way.

But I can definitely see how one could become sad, envious, jealous. Comparing oneself to others and then feeling inadequate. That would make most people unhappy.

I have been there. To the people still there, I want to say,

"It's OK. It means you haven't found what truly makes you happy, gives you well-being and meaning, makes you feel you can achieve anything. Because when you find it, nothing out of someone else's life can make you envious, jealous. I did a record time running up to the Peak. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else. OK, except for, maybe, a few safe skydives. But even if I see someone skydive, I know I can and will too, someday. :)"

"As for personal attacks and discrimination, those can be dismissed immediately on sight, because they are always without reason and evidence."

What do you think when you read Facebook?

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