Monday, 4 January 2016

Two ways of looking at the world

I rewatched The Shawshank Redemption yesterday. Damn good movie.

It made me look back at the world we live in. A lot of people want freedom.

Some want political freedom, others want financial freedom, still others want the freedom from burdensome responsibilities.

I see freedom as something that exists in the mind.

There are always limits, or scarcity. Limits on resources, physical limits, limits of the body, endurance.

It's what one does with those limits that makes all the difference.

So now, you can see the world as great big system out to get you. Or you can see none of it at all.

Or you can see it as what is, which is a mix of everything you can possibly think of and not think of, a mix of what you appear to control and what you cannot even appear to control.

That is all.

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