Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Fear of Time Passing.

 I don't like time passing.

The other day, I saw the MH370 news. I was totally shocked to notice that it has been well over a year since it went missing.

Wow. That long?

That's scary.

Because I can hardly even remember what went on between that time.

And then I walk through TST, remembering the crowds on New Year's Eve, 2015, and imagining the crowds that will come on New Year's Eve 2016.

And the visitations at the hospital for my aging relatives, the comforting words by the bedside, the nurses quietly going through their procedures. It's all very sanitized, but despite all the care, people are still the shitting, peeing, dying human beings since the dawn of man.

What have I been doing all the time?
Will I even remember what I've done?
Should I have remembered? Was it important?

Don't get me wrong. I like my job. I'd give it an A- rating of 87/100. But to be perfectly honest, what impact am I making?


So while writing this, I came across this. I can't put it better than this, so here it is.


I think it's a rational fear. Because time is limited, and life is short if you look back.
And it's too short for even this fear.

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