Sunday, 25 September 2016

Inno-Tech Expo in Wan Chai

The Inno-Tech expo in Wan Chai is just one more aptly timed propaganda campaign.

How can you tell? It's sponsored by Our-HK-Foundation.

So what is it saying?

In the hall, HK is right in the center, but that's it. The HK booths are small, consisting of each of the main universities in HK. All around it are the cutting edge tech from China.

It's obvious what that means. HK is not exceptional, you're just part of our grand plan, along with our drones, YJ-8 transport planes, submarines, security bureau helicopters, autonomous watercraft, VR education, quantum satellites, supercomputers... "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated!"

Your move, HK.

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