Sunday, 1 May 2016

"Standard Working Hours"

A generation ago, before Chinese people rushed into Vancouver and housing prices hit new highs, things were pretty good. It didn't take 10 years to get a good place.

Without the money printing and myriad of taxes, the greater savings, investment, tech and free-market competition could only have made life better. People wouldn't have to work so much because a good income would be achievable in a shorter time, they would have more savings and costs would be much lower.

Since we aren't there yet, the governments are now trying to legislate something that could have been achieved through natural free-market economics.

I can understand it. And since I feel pretty busy too, I might even agree.

But it won't work. Government doesn't know how long it would take for us to do things, how long people want to work. Only negotiations between employer and employees can do this.

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