Saturday, 7 May 2016

Always be an Early Adopter

I make case for why to always be an early adopter.

- Tech advantage
- Marginally higher productivity over the time between early adopter and mainstream makes a huge difference that often increases over time, to fill up the market.
- The marginal increase in the value of an innovation diminishes exponentially over time.

Risky because...

Investing in the "wrong" thing.
Given that anything can eventually lead to anything else, failing in something that you believe in will still provide you with what you believed in and lead you to the next thing.

There is no reason not to invest in something new, if you know it is principally sound.

What if there are competitors?

Then invest in both, depending on how likely you think one is to win out.

Or if that doesn't work, know someone or something that can help you transfer to the other when necessary.

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