Saturday, 30 May 2009

model of work (I)

My model of work.... when is it the best time to work?

The definition of work is actually difficult to define. My definition of work is something that fulfills a need or want of fulfillment or consumption. As you may have noticed, this is not different from consumption, considered by many to be the opposite of work, because consumption is also the fulfilling of need and want. 

Prehistoric man (by which I mean, the hunter-gatherer) mixed work and free-time, even though it was eventually possible to do all the work at once. While the food was cooking, culture would be developed and people would sit and feel fulfilled. Nothing, or few things was considered work, because it was all just about enjoying life. Work was freetime and freetime was work. 

The modern office worker appears to work from 9 in the morning and 5 in the evening. They appear to work, because work is predictable. In the process of fulfilling the need to work, one inevitably realizes the needs to do something else to fulfill other needs. This is because that in the process of working, few needs are being fulfilled at the present moment. It will take a relatively long time for him to receive his paycheck and eternity for satisfaction. While prehistoric man was able to feel the excitement of hunting, and feeling good about his weapon and the stalking of his dinner, there is nothing the modern counterpart can do to relieve himself, except to do things that could get him fired. 

Of course, this is not the case for many. Many people are happy with their work. But every business on earth suffers from a huge amount of lost productivity. 

Now, get back to work.

part 1 end.... to be continued.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Internal memo #1

How do we get more people to see this bog (that's what it is, right now)?

I want the opinions of more people, because this is only a two way exchange. It would be more fun. Right now, there are not even spammers that come around!

I think putting this on some directories would be good.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Literature paper.

Yay, world lit paper finished.

I hope someone someday would cite my paper and build on the ideas. It currently stands at 2,000 words. Shouldn't be hard to scale back for IB requirements.

However, I know there will be problems because I didn't follow any IB criteria.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Problem Solving

1. What do you do when you see the problem?

2. How do you approach the problem?

3. How much time do you spend on each question?

4. What questions do you go for?

I got a suitable bid in the first time, but then I managed to misinterpret Alex's little revision session and I though Blackwood was 3NT and Kingwood as 4NT. 

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Yay, it just started to rain and thunder was reported. First rain since the pool opened.
They say cloud and sunny, now they say thunderstorm. 

I hope it rains real nice tomorrow too. 

Oops, looks like it stopped.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Global Warming is to be enjoyed.

yay, people are getting heat-stroke... I declare this officially summer, even if it starts to rain tomorrow. 

I would actually enjoy it if the sea level was to rise 6 meters right now, because then, the Cyberport flats would have to move out of my way due to the waves flooding the lobbies.  Also helps evaporation anyway. Cyberport becomes atlantis. 

I'm learning to enjoy the heat right now. 

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Check this out.

For starters,
Press: "Do you feel anything when you shoot a terrorist?"
Soldier: "Recoil"

Today's kids are obedient and nasty. 

Check this out.

These kids have decided that they want to help the state kill people for a living. 

Most disturbing of all:
“I like shooting them,” Cathy said. “I like the sound they make. It gets me excited.”" This is coming from a 14 year old.

OK, I like FPS games too, but this is just an example of what it comes down to IN REALITY. This is Hitler Youth RIGHT NOW! Not a theory.
Also, I like shooting. But I have never shot at anything remotely resembling a human being. 
I do not have a problem with teaching firearm safety at a young level, but senseless robotic violence training is completely absurd. 

I would be much happier if kids were trained to defend their homes and know their second amendment rights, than help government crack down on civil liberties. 
I am quite convinced that there is some brainwashing going on in these programmes too. 

Saturday, 2 May 2009


The want is perhaps the cause of every tragic event of the human race.
Wants are infinite. We as human beings want everything. It is just a simple drive to the unachievable infinite, that everything that ever existed wants to attain. Even the universe, with its expansion, wants to be infinitely big. 
The want is defined as something desired but not necessary for biological survival. I define it as the uncontrolled, irrational, undefinable expansion of perceived need.

Human want, as crazy as it has always been, is logical. If you have a nice car, you will want a better car, because you says "Why not?" and you perceive the temporary gratification when that want is created. And after a while, the "why not?" question comes up again and you go back to the store and gets something perceived to be better. The same applies to anything of your choice. 
To create more, human beings have created societies, economies, firms, corporations, agriculture and more wants to create more. Human beings ceased being hunter gatherer tribes and became agrarian societies with cities. This in itself was perhaps the biggest trigger to the whole story of human beings (I don't want to miss the females out on this point) and their want. Once human beings were detached from nature and its finite resource and need basis, population was allowed to increase very dramatically and so did human want, for now, because people could now produce as much as they wanted. Humanity had found the way to expand its wants to the utmost capacity of his/her biological self.

The advancement of the agricultural society also allowed the advancement of creativity, and greed. The establishment of the state also enabled the establishment of a social hierarchy and centralized power - the king. The king was able to use his power to take from others by force through taxation of people's income, while he did not need to produce. His existence is justified for by the existence of other kings - people are told that if they did not have a king, then all shit will break lose, human progress of thousands of years would be lost, and everyone would die. 
At the same time, they realized that they could pillage others to satisfy their wants, that by now, would have consumed them.
From there, to facilitate the want, people have created a monetary system, and wants have spawned more wants, and more tragedy so on. 

I am not saying that wanting is wrong, even though I know a lot of people may agree. I am saying that when human beings, individually or collectively, lost touch with nature, that bad things of some degree happen to everyone. Our wants have lost touch with nature, and we do that at our peril. This is contrary to what we seem to believe - that the natural world is outdated and we are more advanced than nature.

to be continued...

Post-exam talk

I really get tired of people, especially girls, who for better or worse, will complain for at least 20 minutes after an exam about, supposedly how badly they did in the exam. Now, I think at least part of this is true. 
We have all had those questions that we weren't completely sure about in all those exams. But the problem with all the complaining is that they DON'T WANT THE QUESTION TO BE SOLVED. The first thing they do is chat up their friends and gossip about exams. The social part is fine, but the self-pity is most horrific. 

 Most do not look for answers, they look for an emotional, hyped up response. And if you come out of the exam looking unlike that, then well, you don't fit in. And I am glad for it.

It is not that I don't have feelings. I do. I feel amused at the exam. And this hype is telling me that I have deeper feelings that most, because in the rush to launch into the emotions and hype, one cannot have deeply profound feelings that build up during a 2 hour exam.

I hope you understand what I am talking about.