Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Dude, get out of the queue!

3 things gone wrong at the Parent's Evening:

- This is madness! Why is their 5 late-comers ahead of me? These people are ruining the schedule system of the sacred Timetable. They are coming in late, yet are allowed to get in my way. This is my spot!
This is outrageous crap at the Parent's Evening 2007.

- This is blindness! Why are these idiots barging into someone else's timeslot when they aren't even supposed to be there? Why can't they just make their apppointment or tell their moms and dads to phone the teacher up?

- This is idiocracy! Why the hell are you talking into my time-slot? If you want to talk longer, talk when you know that the teacher will be vacant and no one is standing behind you, looking at a watch tuned to the second according to an atomic clock and hoping that they would finish faster and be more considerate.

These people should stop sucking away at my time and learn to be punctual!!!!!!
I've had a total of 6 people come into my way and I convinced 2 people that they were late and this was my timeslot and that they should come in the last moment when there were vacant teachers. One gal fell for my excuse that I had to go to a piano lesson after this and let me ahead of the queue. (hahahahahaha!)

The last 3 were at Ms A's desk. 2 guys and a gal were waiting, one later than the other. There was one who was supposed to come at 5:00 sharp and turned up right at my appointment at the last minute. I ended up sitting out the 20 minutes+. When I finally got my turn, Ms A said that she thought there would be a big fight for my slot.

So, I ended at 7:20, 10 minutes before everything was to shut down.


Samuel Poon said...

I only had trouble with Ms. Shek's and Ms. A's. At Ms. A's I had to queue through the break for an appointment with her. Luckily she was my last (my slot was actually double-booked, so no surprise).

Even by just talking for 1 more minute can cause a 5 minute delay in 5 slots' time! So it is very easy to run of time if the teacher had a lot to say (or if the parent had lots to ask.

Did you realize that the 5:45-5:50 slot was missing? Even that didn't help Ms. A's queue (which was already 3-4 students long when I left).

Eugene said...

yup. She made me leave 15 minutes late....I want 15 minutes of my life back.

Yeah, 5:45-5:50 is out, but that's still earlier than the main "rush hour", so it doesn't do much.

My strategy was correct : leave spaces in between because you don't know if some a++hole would barge in and delay your appointments.