Tuesday 3 September 2024


 With Biden's disastrous withdrawal, US has made Afghanistan much worse after 20 years.

The Taliban will likely never be removed, because there is no one with sufficient forces or political will for such change.

The most one can hope for is something like Iran, but that's not going anywhere anytime soon.


Monday 2 September 2024

Told ChatGPT to make a meme about a feeling

An appropriate meme for the sentiment "I like the video thumbnail but I haven't watched the video, but I already agree with it" could be the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme, with the following captions:

[Image: Distracted Boyfriend meme]

Boyfriend (me): Liking the video thumbnail

Girlfriend (video): The actual video content

Woman walking by (me): Agreeing with the video without watching it

This meme captures the idea of being quickly drawn to and agreeing with the surface-level impression of a video (the thumbnail) without actually engaging with the full content. The distracted boyfriend represents the tendency to make snap judgments or agree with something based on limited information, rather than thoroughly evaluating the video's substance.

The use of the Distracted Boyfriend meme structure provides a relatable and humorous way to illustrate this common behaviour of forming opinions without fully informing oneself, which can be problematic in the age of social media and quickly consumed online content. 

The Result:

6/10? It works, but is not quite eye popping. 


 Capitalism may begin with production, but it does not end with capital and wealth. 

It ends with power over others, cross-domain.

There is the problem of scarcity, but then beyond that, there is the issue of evil. 

And this is not solvable by capitalism, or any specific ism. 

It is just not that simple.